Купить red hat openstack platform (without guest os) for atom with smart management, hyperscale, standard (5 physical nodes) 3-year в Челябинске

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Red Hat OpenStack Platform (without guest OS) for ATOM with Smart Management, Hyperscale, Standard (5 Physical Nodes) 3-YEAR

Red Hat OpenStack Platform (without guest OS) for ATOM with Smart Management, Hyperscale, Standard (5 Physical Nodes) 3-YEAR

РРЦ: 747 155.60 руб.*

* - рекомендуемая розничная цена. Актуальные оптовые и розничные цены уточняйте у менеджера.

Red Hat OpenStack Platform (without guest OS) for ATOM with Smart Management, Hyperscale, Standard (5 Physical Nodes) 3-YEAR

Свойство Значение
Артикул RH00479F3